932 research outputs found

    Rehabilitación de la "riera d'en Cintet" a su paso por Vilassar de Mar

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    Este proyecto pretende la mejora y unificación de la canalización de un tramo de unos 900 metros de la “Riera d’en Cintet” su paso por Vilassar de Mar, donde las infraestructuras existentes se encuentran deterioradas y en algunos tramos incompletas. Este tramo transcurre desde el punto donde la riera se cruza con la autopista C-32 hasta su paso a la altura de la Calle Gregal en Vilassar de Mar. Se ha realizado un levantamiento topográfico a escala 1:500 de toda lo zona afectada por el proyecto, a partir del cual, hemos estudiado las características del terreno y de la infraestructura ya existente, con el objetivo de proyectar la nueva canalización. Para la definición tanto en planta como en alzado de la canalización se ha realizado un estudio previo de la capacidad de esta, dato necesario para definición de pendiente máxima, altura y ancho de dicha canalización. También se estudian las transiciones de las secciones existentes a la proyectada. Por otro lado se solucionan los problemas de acceso a propiedades adyacentes por medio de vados entubados

    El futuro de las comunicaciones móviles

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    Audiovisuales: Entrevista 1ª parte. Disponible en: https://arcamm.uc3m.es/arcamm/# .-- Entrevista 2ª parte. Disponible en: https://arcamm.uc3m.es/arcamm/?item=dd05fdc9e25f37f2c047c1a699d56627 .-- Entrevista 3ª parte. Disponible en: https://arcamm.uc3m.es/arcamm/?item=15e5fc3a1fae74e560dd60fa31e1ef36 .-- Entrevista completa. Disponible en: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=i_BgPT0O_WMInternet es ya parte de la vida cotidiana. Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones han transformado radicalmente el mundo de los negocios, la educación, la comunicación o el ocio, en apenas una década

    Adaptive Comfort Models Applied to Existing Dwellings in Mediterranean Climate Considering Global Warming

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    Comfort analysis of existing naturally ventilated buildings located in mild climates, such as the ones in the Mediterranean zones, offer room for a reduction in the present and future energy consumption. Regarding Spain, most of the present building stock was built before energy standards were mandatory, let alone considerations about global warming or adaptive comfort. In this context, this research aims at assessing adaptive thermal comfort of inhabitants of extant apartments building in the South of Spain per EN 15251:2007 and ASHRAE 55-2013. The case study is statistically representative housing built in 1973. On-site monitoring of comfort conditions and computer simulations for present conditions have been carried out, clarifying the degree of adaptive comfort at present time. After that, additional simulations for 2020, 2050, and 2080 are performed to check whether this dwelling will be able to provide comfort considering a change in climate conditions. As a result, the study concludes that levels of adaptive comfort can be considered satisfactory at present time in these dwellings, but not in the future, when discomfort associated with hot conditions will be recurrent. These results provide a hint to foresee how extant dwellings, and also dwellers, should adapt to a change in environmental conditions

    Adaptive comfort control implemented model (ACCIM) for energy consumption predictions in dwellings under current and future climate conditions: A case study located in Spain

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    Currently, the knowledge of energy consumption in buildings of new and existing dwellings is essential to control and propose energy conservation measures. Most of the predictions of energy consumption in buildings are based on fixed values related to the internal thermal ambient and pre-established operation hypotheses, which do not reflect the dynamic use of buildings and users’ requirements. Spain is a clear example of such a situation. This study suggests the use of an adaptive thermal comfort model as a predictive method of energy consumption in the internal thermal ambient, as well as several operation hypotheses, and both conditions are combined in a simulation model: the Adaptive Comfort Control Implemented Model (ACCIM). The behavior of ACCIM is studied in a representative case of the residential building stock, which is located in three climate zones with different characteristics (warm, cold, and mild climates). The analyses were conducted both in current and future scenarios with the aim of knowing the advantages and limitations in each climate zone. The results show that the average consumption of the current, 2050, and 2080 scenarios decreased between 23% and 46% in warm climates, between 19% and 25% in mild climates, and between 10% and 29% in cold climates by using such a predictive method. It is also shown that this method is more resilient to climate change than the current standard. This research can be a starting point to understand users’ climate adaptation to predict energy consumption

    Architectural and Management Strategies for the Design, Construction and Operation of Energy Efficient and Intelligent Primary Care Centers in Chile

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    Primary care centers are establishments with elevated social relevance and high operational energy consumption. In Chile, there more than 628 family healthcare centers (CESFAM) have been built in the last two decades and with plans for hundreds more in the next few years. We revised the architecture, construction management and energy performance of five CESFAM centers to determine possible instances of overall improvement. Staff was interviewed, and state documents reviewed, which allowed the conceptualization of the architectonic and energy structure of the centers, as well as the process of implementation. At the same time, energy simulations were done for each one of the centers, controlling for different climates, construction solutions and orientations. Our study revealed that strategies employed by the primary healthcare centers in Chile have aided a progressive implementation of establishments with elevated costs and materialization times, as well as neglect for climatic conditions. These energy evaluations show relevant and consistent impacts of the architectural form and material conditions, especially in southern zones, demonstrating the need to work with shared knowledge resources such as BIM. There is a clear necessity to define technological, morphological and construction strategies specific to each climate zone in order to achieve energetically efficient and intelligent healthcare establishments

    Repositorio multimedia para dispositivos móviles

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    La mayoría de los dispositivos móviles existentes en la actualidad son capaces de reproducir un extenso número de tipos de medios. Sin embargo, encontramos grandes diferencias entre las capacidades de estos dispositivos, por lo que para poder suministrar estos contenidos proporcionando una máxima compatibilidad y aprovechando las características de los dispositivos más avanzados es necesario definir diferentes perfiles para la codificación del vídeo y del audio

    Impact of ovine whey protein concentrates and clarification by-products on the yield and quality of whey cheese

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    The effects of the addition of whey protein concentrates and clarification by-products obtained from ovine cheese whey and deproteinized whey (Sorelho) on the yield and quality of the whey cheese (Requeijão) have been evaluated. Whey protein concentrates were obtained by ultrafiltration of skimmed whey and Sorelho. The clarification by-products were obtained after the treatment of the skimmed whey and Sorelho by thermocalcic precipitation and microfiltration with two membranes (0.20 and 0.65 mm pore size). Next, the liophilization of the corresponding retentates was carried out. Each powder was added in three different mass ratios: 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 %. The addition of the powders caused higher yields of the whey cheese – mainly the one with the additional whey powder – but it did not affect the strength of the products. The retention of water and other components of whey and milk in the whey cheese was influenced by the protein composition of the powders. In relation to colour parameters, the whey cheese manufactured with ultrafiltration and microfiltration retentate powders showed lower values of ligthness than the control whey cheese – mainly the whey cheese with 1.5 % of added powders. The microstructure constituted of small aggregates in the whey cheese manufactured with ultrafiltration and 0.20-mm microfiltration retentate powders and also by large, smooth structures in the other whey cheeses, especially in batches with added Sorelho powdersThis work was supported by the »Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galicia« (XUGA26202B97). Funding for author C.D.P. was provided by a Ph.D. fellowship (BD19672/99) issued within the framework »PRAXIS XXI«, administered by JNICT, PortugalS

    Kongjian Yu y la redefinición del paisaje cultural chino

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    As a result of his important career abroad and his family experiences in his home province of Zhejiang, Kongjian Yu reflects in this interview on the need to look at and learn from the past, from tradition, in order to restore harmony to our relationship with the environment in which we live. Learning from the environment as a means of providing project solutions that are adapted to the very drastic changes that we are experiencing. All this with a global and local perspective, always valuing the strategies that can be applied in other territories, adapting them to the idiosyncrasy of the place. To this end, Kongjian Yu raises the need to train new professionals who know how to work with the variables we are facing in the context of the current environmental crisis, changing the dynamics established in professional and political circles.Fruto de su importante trayectoria en el extranjero y de sus experiencias familiares en su provincia natal de Zhejiang, Kongjian Yu reflexiona en esta entrevista acerca de la necesidad de mirar y aprender del pasado, de la tradición, para devolver la armonía a nuestra relación con el medio ambiente en el que vivimos. Aprender del entorno como medio para dar soluciones proyectuales que se amolden a los cambios tan drásticos que estamos viviendo. Todo ello teniendo una perspectiva global y local, valorando siempre cuáles son las estrategias que pueden aplicarse en otros territorios adaptándolas a la idiosincrasia del lugar. Para ello Kongjian Yu plantea la necesidad de formar a nuevos profesionales que sepan trabajar con las variables a las que nos enfrentamos en el contexto de la actual crisis ambiental, cambiando las dinámicas establecidas en los estamentos profesionales y políticos

    Potential of applying adaptive strategies in buildings to reduce the severity of fuel poverty according to the climate zone and climate change: The case of Andalusia

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    The reduction of fuel poverty is among the major challenges of countries, policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers. Many contributions have today emerged; however, two aspects should be widely considered. On the one hand, the use of strategies based on the reduction of energy consumption through the adaptive approach, and on the other hand, the impact of climate change on fuel poverty, particularly considering the recent representative concentration pathways (RCP). This paper addresses both issues in Andalusia, which is among the regions with the highest population ratio under poverty risk. For this purpose, 4 zones with possibilities of applying adaptive strategies were distinguished in the Andalusian geography, and 3 climate change scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, and RCP 8.5) were projected in each decade (from 2030 to 2100). A total of 6,528 cases of representative social housing, simulated in all scenarios, were parametrically studied. All data were assessed from the point of view of fuel poverty risk. The results showed that the adaptive strategies influence the reduction of fuel poverty, both in annual and monthly values. Moreover, the increase in fuel poverty cases because of global warming could be reduced by this approach in the four zones detected in Andalusia